The world's simplest steam engine
Steam engines can be traced back to the beginning of our era. The mathematician Hero of Alexandria invented a metal ball that could spin around itself when filled with steam. This was considered a toy until the steam engine became a useful machine in the 17th century, and later a steam locomotive. Today, steam engines are mostly toys again.
Like the one you hold in your hand. Probably the world's simplest steam engine. It consists of a copper tube, a piece of cork and a tea light. A metal rod is also included to bend the ends of the pipe.
That's how it works
Water takes up 1,600 times more space when it evaporates. Thus, the water is shot out of the ends of the tube, when it is heated by the tea light. The pipe then cools down a little, and new water is sucked into the pipe. In this way, the carousel gains momentum.
The copper tube can become very hot and must not be touched after the light has been lit. Dip the tube in water, or wait a few minutes after the light has gone out before touching.
Note. This is not a toy, but a product intended for teaching. Not suitable for children under 8 years of age.
You receive
Floating element in cork, copper pipe, tools, candle and instructions in Norwegian.