Sales conditions
To be clear, we are the seller. We are Nerdebutikken. We are an online store, with a warehouse in Skogergaten 2, 3112 Tønsberg. If you have any questions, our email is We also have an organization number! It is 925043753.
You. You are hopefully the buyer.
It is completely safe to pay by credit card at Our supplier of credit card payments is Nets Easy, Norway's largest player in this area. Of course, we also use Vipps. When you pay by credit card, the payment is registered immediately and we can send you the item as soon as you have ordered. When you order, the amount will only be reserved from your account, and not withdrawn until we physically pack and send the item to you.
NB: You may be asked to use BankID or another verification solution from your bank during the payment. This is an extra layer of security that makes it safer for you as a buyer. We are thus approved Verified by VISA and MasterCard Securecode.
The item is missing
If there is a defect in the product, the buyer must send us an email within a reasonable time after it was discovered or should have been discovered. You have always complained in sufficient time if it happens within 2 months. from the time the defect was discovered or should have been discovered. Complaints can be made no later than two years after the buyer took over the item. If the product or parts of it are intended to last significantly longer than two years, the complaint deadline is five years.
If the item has a defect and this is not due to the buyer or conditions on the buyer's side, the buyer may, in accordance with the rules in the Consumer Purchase Act, chapter 6, according to the circumstances keep the purchase price back , choose between correction and redelivery , demand price reduction , demand the agreement terminated and/or demand replacement from the seller.
Complaints to the seller should be made in writing. Tip: You can easily see the status of your order and request a return in our self-help solution .
Correction or redelivery
The buyer can choose between demanding that the defect be rectified or delivery of similar items. The seller can nevertheless object to the buyer's claim if the implementation of the claim is impossible or causes the seller unreasonable costs. Correction or redelivery must be made within a reasonable time. In principle, the seller does not have the right to make more than two remedial attempts for the same defect.
Price reduction
The buyer can claim an appropriate price reduction if the item is not corrected or re-delivered. This means that the ratio between the reduced and agreed price corresponds to the ratio between the item's value in defective and contractual condition. If there are special reasons for this, the price discount can instead be set equal to the significance of the defect for the buyer.
If the goods have not been corrected or re-delivered, the buyer can also cancel the purchase if the defect is not insignificant.
Conflict resolution
Complaints are addressed to the seller within a reasonable time, cf. clauses 9 and 10. The parties shall attempt to resolve any disputes amicably. If this is not successful, the buyer can contact the Norwegian Consumer Protection Authority for mediation. The Norwegian Consumer Protection Authority is available on telephone 23 400 600.
Privacy statement
We at VitenWahl have updated our privacy policy in accordance with the GDPR. You can find our privacy policy here . In short, we do not store or process any other information than that which you give us when you order. We also do not resell the information. We prefer to sell geeky products.
But if you are unsure of what we actually know about you, you can send us an email at and we will share what little we know. We would like to have deleted what you want deleted, but because we only store information that we are legally required to store, we cannot delete it either.