Andreas on paper

Andreas has written three books, is a regular columnist for Aftenposten Junior, has written a textbook in science and occasionally writes for other media.

Why does cheese melt but not ham?

Hvorfor smelter ost, men ikke skinke? - Andreas Wahl

Why do we close our eyes when we eat sour things? Has anyone pooped on the moon? Why do our eyes water when we get sad? Can animals cry? Where does the fool come from? Where does a meteor go when it has made a hole in the ground? What's the point of that thing dangling in the back of the mouth?

Children ask the questions that everyone wonders, but that adults don't dare to ask. Through several years as a columnist in Aftenposten Junior, Andreas has received hundreds of questions from curious children. In this book, he answers the most entertaining and surprising ones. In "Why does cheese melt, but not ham", you get answers to everything you didn't know you were wondering.

Physics magic

Fysikkmagi - Andreas Wahl

In Fysikkmagi, Andreas shows you the magic of physics. It is not a textbook, but a collection of phenomena and questions from everyday life, from the smallest to the largest. You get to satisfy your curiosity when it comes to celestial bodies and everyday phenomena. You are challenged to try yourself with small, tough experiments. It's about wondering about and exploring the world around us. Andreas shows you how.

"Sometimes I meet people who think that physics creates ugly numbers out of beautiful nature. That it takes away the magic. I don't agree. I mean physics opens up a whole new world of magic and wonderful thoughts. That's why I've made this book, and that's why I've called it Physics Magic." -Andreas Wahl

You can buy Fysikkmagi in your local bookshop, or directly from Andreas on this page .

Close - strange - spectacular

Forside Nært Sært Spektakulært

We humans have always explored our surroundings. It is deep within us. This book lets you explore. Not in a laboratory, but at home on the kitchen counter, in the garage, in the garden or elsewhere. It's about exploring the world around us, together.

The book is easy to read and contains simple instructions. It can be used by young people alone, adults with children, on the kitchen counter, in the cabin, in the garage or in the neighbour's garden.

For teachers who want to use the demonstrations to spice up their teaching, you can find an overview that links competence goals in the curriculum to suitable experiments here ( primary school , secondary school ). The book is intended to be an easy and valuable tool in a busy teacher's everyday life.

The book contains 63 engaging and entertaining experiments with objects you deal with on a daily basis. Here are also explanations of what is happening. Let yourself be surprised, and surprise others. The experiments can be done alone, but together with others it will be twice as much fun. Then you also have someone to blame if things go wrong. Good luck!

The book can be bought in bookstores, or here in the online store . You can take a look at the book by clicking on the image below.

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Together with Erik Steineger, Andreas has written the teacher's work NOVA for science at secondary level.

Together, Erik and Andreas have tried to create a professionally thorough and structured work, which at the same time creates interest and a desire to learn in the reader. NOVA is written according to the adjusted science curriculum that comes into effect in the autumn of 2013. The student book is richly illustrated with large, vibrant pictures that build up underneath the text. You will find more about NOVA at Cappelen Damm .

For each chapter there are four task types: Read and answer, Do and learn, Go further and Discuss. Most experiments are easy to perform and require little equipment.

Aftenposten Junior

Aftenposten Junior

Every week, Andreas writes in all of Norway's children's newspaper, award-winning Aftenposten Junior. Here he answers things that adults also really wonder about, but don't dare to ask about. Like why we get wrinkled fingers when we bathe, what would happen if the moon suddenly disappeared, why we can't tickle ourselves, and whether honey is actually beeswax.

You can find Aftenposten Junior in your nearest shop, or you can have the newspaper sent to you every week . Or even better: Give a subscription to someone you love!